Sunday, May 13, 2012

It's been a while...

More accurately, it has been two months since I last posted.  Two.  Months.  Can you tell I'm just having too much fun over here to mess with a blog??  Even so, I am disappointed in myself that I have not documented my time here very well for friends and family.  I'm not very good at social media, updating, and the like.  At the rate this virtual world is going, too, I'll be left behind soon enough.  Oh well.

In about ten days I will be returning home.  Where has the time gone?  There are only two final exams, one essay, and a few days of last minute sightseeing, souvenir shopping, and packing (bleh.) between me and America.  Wow oh wow oh wow!  Since I have such little time left, here's what I've been thinking recently.  Yesterday, in fact, I wrote this in my journal while taking a lovely study break walk down Lade Braes in the warm sunshine.  Yes, you read that right.  Warm Scottish sunshine.  Without further ado: